Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Update Our Updating

OK, so yesterday I went onto the blog site and noticed the difference in blog posts from March compared to April. It has come to my attention that Latanya and I have become less communicative this month. So, I decided that I will make a more conscious effort to post more often. Even if it is something short and sweet. We do have 27 followers, and I know I do not want to let them down. From now on I will update every chance I get. Expect to see more short comments and experiences with the occasional long story.
Starting today, I woke up and the sun was shinning bright in the sky. There was a cold chill in the air, however it was most crisp and refreshing. After getting ready, I decided to get some breakfast at the local convenient store. It was a doughnut. I know I know, bad choice. I took my normal 25 minute walk up hill to school. Today I have no class. My 6th graders are going on a three day excursion, I think camping or something. I have the office to myself and plan to watch the Dodger game in its entirety. Yeah! Other than that, I have a five day weekend starting Friday. Lt has a four day weekend. It's Buddha's birthday. We don't really have any plans. I think we will play it by ear. That's it for now.

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